
In case of pathologic psychological complaints or disorders often psychotherapy is appropriate. This can not take place by distance communication.
It is necessary to first have a doctor diagnose any physical causes and to treat them accordingly. Additional
psychotherapy may be of supportive help to alleviate problems. The same applies to psychosis, which is also subject to physical processes.
psychotherapy may be of supportive help to alleviate problems. The same applies to psychosis, which is also subject to physical processes.
Neurotic complaints are entirely due to emotional / psychological causes. As an Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie(alternative practitioner in psychotherapy) I can treat those independently (in Germany). Neuroses are, for example, fears, phobias, neurotic depression, psychosomatic symptoms, behavioural problems, mentally induced sexual dysfunction.
Emphatic, solution-oriented, client-centred short-term treatment focuses on strengthening resources. The client is the expert in his own affairs and decides for himself what he considers helpful change. The therapist´s function is one of supportive guidance.