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about me

· Alternative practitioner in psychotherapy  
· KIP Practitioner (Katathym Imaginative Psychotherapy) 
· Hypnosis Practitioner 
· Social Skills Consultant 
· Basic NLP training 
· Three years medical school 
· One year anthropology studies 
· Apprenticeship in agriculture 
Member of the VFP (Registered Association of Independent
Psychotherapists, Alternative
Practitioners in Psychotherapy and
Psychological Consultants)
Regular participation in NLP / hypnosis group 
OWEI (Organized Witzenhausen Unemployed Initiative):
advice for the unemployed
AnDəяS, Initiative for children and adolescents affected by
specific developmental and emotional disorders
Bündnis für Familie (Family Alliance)
In my many years in the U.S. I had close contact with the local Indian
and Mexican
population and know about migration from my personal experience. I am mother of
several children.