Courses / Seminars / Lectures
Group courses:
Relaxation courses :
Progressive Muscle Relaxation according to Jakobson (PMR)
for adults und adolescents (minimum age 16)
for Adolescents (age 13 and up)
for information call 05542-5032230 or e mail:
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costs per course: 120 € per person
I combine PMR with elements from autogenic training, breathing relaxation and imaginative journey.
Course participation:
Advance Registration: at least 3 days before the respective course starts,
by phone: 05542-5032230, contact form (see under"Contact") or e-mail:
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Binding registration: in writting, formless, providing your name, address, phone number, the name and date of the course and your number of participants.
Minimum number of participants for a course to take place: 6 persons
Payment: If nothing else is posted or unless otherwise agreed, the participation fee is payable 14 days in advance per bank transver or Paypal to the bank accout named on the registration form/confirmation or can be payed in cash at the beginning of the course.
Terms and Conditions: Please read under "Terms and Conditions". (Sorry, only available in German)